As I look out the window at nothing but smoke, my heart goes out to everyone affected by the wildfires on the West Coast. Prayers going out for rain and relief. That, and four day weeks throw me. What? It's Friday already? Hence, this is a little late this morning. So...
fantasy novels
Five Things for Friday
Hello all my lovely friends! I hope your week has been full of good things and moments of joy. To everyone in the path of fires or hurricanes or storms or just struggles, I send you my best hopes for a brighter week ahead. Also, huge hugs to all of you who wrote me...
Friday Reads—Getting Caught Up
I have been on a total fantasy reading kick. Maybe it's in anticipation of the return of Game of Thrones. But one thing is for sure: I read one and then I dive into a whole series. Come along with me... So when the Nebula Awards were announced a few weeks ago, I...
Friday Reads: YA Series
This week I've been reading books from two different series. What is it about a good series that keeps you coming back for MORE? I think it is great characters (of course) and sometimes it's just the sheer joy of being in that story world again. And with some series,...
Friday Reads: Fantasy Finds
Like I said in other posts, I've gotten hooked on fantasy. Not surprising since I loved reading it as a kid and a young adult. Wrinkle in Time. The Hobbit. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Then along came Game of Thrones and I read all those and then discovered...
Friday Reads: Fantasy
I have this not so secret love affair with Fantasy novels. Of course this is no surprise if you know that the first book I ever set out to write was a medieval. I love a good quest. A battle for the soul of a land. Right and wrong. And so with the passing of Ursula K....