News & Newsworthy


You Asked 'Em

...And I am going to answer them. You may, or may not know, but I asked my wonderful and enthusiastic Facebook friends if they had a question or questions for me, what would they be? Bless their hearts, they flooded me with a tide of questions for me to answer on my...

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Five Things about Megan Crane~Caitlin Crews

This Thursday brings us the two-fer special via women's fiction author, Megan Crane, who, when she whips off her trade book exterior, transforms into the wonderful and sexy, Harlequin Presents author, Caitlin Crews. I so want a secret identity. Will work on that while...

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Five Things about Robyn DeHart

I was struck with a huge case of cover envy the other day when I saw Robyn DeHart's e-novella release, Her Gentleman Thief. It is just stunning and sexy and all about the romance, which I adore in a cover. So I asked Robyn, who I met several years ago, to drop by...

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Five Things About Lavinia Kent

I am fascinated by all the authors who are writing e-reads, like Lavinia Kent, who is releasing The Real Duchesses of London novellas, so I asked her to drop by and share five things about herself you and I might not know. That and I liked her book trailer. So without...

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Five Things about Lorraine Heath

I met Lorraine Heath years ago in Denver on a bus trip to a booksigning. I found her to be one of the nicest people I had ever met. She is also one of the smartest and savviest writers I've ever met as well. While shy and reserved in person, once you get to know her,...

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Five Things About Toni Blake

This week's Five Things features Toni Blake, who has written all sorts of wonderful contemporary stories, is always a hoot to hang out with and was willing to subject herself to the ruthless screening process that makes up the Five Things review. So without further...

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