News & Newsworthy


Five Things About Jenny Brown

As is with my Thursdays, I've dug up Five Things about fellow Avon Author, Jenny Brown. Here they are: 1. The last book you read: Gold Diggers: Striking It Rich in the Klondike by Charlotte Gray. 2. Favorite place to shop online: The Book Free shipping...

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Five Things about Debra Mullins

Want to know a little more about one of my fellow Avon authors? Here are five things you might not know about Debra Mullins: 1) First memory: Putting salt in the sugar bowl. I was about two or three, and my dad took his tea with a LOT of sugar... You can guess the...

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Third Place Books Signing

First of all, huge props go to Stefanie Sloane who organized this wonderful event. As Julia Quinn and I joked, nothing would have happened—not the food, the flowers, getting the word out—if Stefanie wasn't the world's most organized writer. I will only...

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One Busy Week

Bracing myself for the week ahead. Three events, four if you count that this morning, Lord Langley goes on sale! Huzzah! Hurray! Yee-hah! I think that covers it. Since I am usually a stay at home mom who has been known to drive through carpool pick up wearing her...

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Book Spooting

A long time ago, a typo in a group post amongst the Avon Authors became the butt of some good-natured ribbing. I don't even remember who it was, but someone had gone to their local store to see if they could "spoot" the new books that were supposed to be out that day....

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Five Things about Stefanie Sloane

Meet debut author, Stefanie Sloane, who won't be a debut author for very long since she has three books coming out in the next three months. Yes, you heard me correctly three wonderful Regency historical romances, one after another. And you get to meet her first!...

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