Don't we all need some wonderful things to curl into right now? Call it distractions, call it self-care, call it soothing, but I am all about finding the things that make me feel contentedly at home. Books, baking, and a few shows to binge while knitting. Join me...
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Five Things for Friday
Yikes! I usually draft this up Thursday afternoon and have it all ready to go bright and early Friday morning. But yesterday afternoon was so beautiful, I ended up enjoying a sunny afternoon instead. So you are getting the late version. 😉 One I can't believe the...
Five Things for Friday
As I look out the window at nothing but smoke, my heart goes out to everyone affected by the wildfires on the West Coast. Prayers going out for rain and relief. That, and four day weeks throw me. What? It's Friday already? Hence, this is a little late this morning. So...
Five Things for Friday
This week just flew by. I completely lost track of the days and now, here it is Friday. And since I am neck deep in canning peaches and pickles, (not in the same jar, I promise!) let's get straight to it: One My husband and I finished the Second Season of The Umbrella...
Five Things for Friday
Here we go again! Another week and another Friday. And I am in a whirlwind. I start off on a big adventure tomorrow—I'm helping my college son move back to Chicago. We will be driving from Seattle to Chicago, via Butte, Montana, Casper, Wyoming, and Lincoln, Nebraska,...
Five Things for Friday
Hello my dear friends! This has been a hard week. In the ways that just shake you. More on that later. Instead, let's first share some things to make your weekend a little more special, adventurous and sweet. One What to read? Why not try an oldy but a goody. The...