News & Newsworthy


Number One London

I recently found an invitation in my inbox to come visit a new blog written by Kristine Hughes and Victoria Hinshaw, two of my favorite Regency and Victorian enthusiasts and researchers. Of course I dropped by immediately and found a delightful treasure trove of...

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Books, Far and Wide

Periodically I get these non-descript packages from my editor and I always know what they are: Foreign Language editions. Oh, goody! What language is this going to be in and what will they do to the cover? I find the covers almost as interesting as the title...

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Three Popular Questions

I think all writers have their own same three questions that come in daily. And I thought I would save everyone a lot of trouble and just answer them today in the blog. So in no particular order, here are the three questions that I get asked frequently: Question No....

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Creative Promiscuity

Yes, when I heard that phrase last night on NPR, I grinned. I was listening to an interview with Colin Firth on Fresh Air, and he is so wonderfully intriguing. So when he described what he loves about acting, that it is a form of creative promiscuity, I knew exactly...

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Blogging Around

I've been a bit sparse here of late because I've been swamped with the holidays and trying to finish the next book, Mad About the Duke. But with the new book on the shelves—yes, how could you have missed the new book???—How I Met My Countess, I've made a...

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Almost there

I feel like I am hovering between so many things right now. The decade is nearly over. I've almost finished Mad About the Duke. And of course, How I Met My Countess arrives in stores tomorrow. I have to admit a certain excitement for all three things. First of all, I...

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