News & Newsworthy

Focus, Focus, Focus

When it comes to writing, it takes a lot of focus. There is no way around it. The writers who write book after book after book have some the most enviable focus I have ever seen. And at times I need to renew my own focus and determination to not let the distractions...

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Five Things about Grace Burrowes

Grace Burrowes is one of the lovely members of the Washington Romance Writers who I had the pleasure to meet at their retreat the first weekend of this month. I knew immediately that I needed to introduce her to all of you! Without further ado, here are Five Things...

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Rhymes with Love ~ A New Series

Maybe you've heard, but my new book, Along Came a Duke, is part of new series, Rhymes with Love. I thought I'd share with you a bit of insider info and get you ready to jump into the world of Kempton, England. I started this new series for a variety of reasons—I...

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$4.99 Digital Sale!

Have you heard? Thirteen of my digital backlist romance novels are on sale for $4.99! This gives you a chance to pick up an old favorite or fill in a series that you haven't finished yet. Hurry and download yours soon in your favorite format: One Night of Passion...

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Inspiration: Picturing Your Story

I am in love with Pinterest. Yeah, I know. So is everyone else. But if you are like me, and have always loved collages, and images and pictures to inspire you for whatever it is that you love to create—whether it is decorating, crafting, cooking, and yes,...

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Five Things about Lena Diaz

Lena Diaz is a fellow Avon author and the wonderful part of being published at Avon is that the books are so diverse. I love my historicals, but occassionally a little suspense is good for the soul. So therefore, let me introduce, Lena Diaz: 1. Did you have a nickname...

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