News & Newsworthy

Five More Things About Stefanie Sloane

So yes, Stephanie has dropped by here before, but some people bear repeating. 'Sides, she's awful nice. Plus, her 2011 book, Devil in Disguise has garnered a double nominations in the RWA RITA awards for Best First Book and Best Regency Historical Romance. I have to...

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Autographed Books

Just a quick note to let those of you who live in far flung (and probably some not-so-far-flung) that I never seem to visit, the bookstore, Turn the Page, where I will be signing this Friday is also having a virtual signing—which means, if you order one of my...

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Five Things About Mary Jo Putney

I read Mary Jo Putney long before I met her. I had one of those fan-girl moments when I finally did get to meet her. After all, here was the author of The Rake! And it was with great joy that I discovered that besides being a fabulous writer, she was also a gracious...

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As you know, I like to add my friends to the blog whenever possible. Because, well, quite frankly, I adore the friends I have, even the ones who are long distance acquaintances that I barely know. I meet so many people from far flung corners, but some people you meet...

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Spring Break Madness

With it being Spring Break in lots of places—and in the coming weeks, I decided a little Spring Madness was in order. So Brazen Angel is now up on Nook and Kindle for the incredible price of .99! Now this isn't going to last forever. Probably until I come to my...

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Five Things about Miranda Neville

I envy Miranda Neville. She grew up in England and lives in Vermont. I always think of both places as deeply romantic and very cool to be from. And it turns out, she's a nice person as well and great writer. May I introduce you to, Miranda Neville: 1. Did you have a...

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