News & Newsworthy

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Five Things with Olivia Kelly

Today bestselling Regency romance author Olivia Kelly has come to visit us, and let us in on five things we probably don't know about her. Welcome, Olivia! 1) What is the very first romance novel that you read? Nora Robert's Montana Sky. Well, that was the first...

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5 Things with Rose Lerner

Today Rose Lerner has dropped by to share some interesting tidbits about herself with us. Rose is the author of several Regency romances. Her latest is True Pretenses, just out on the 13th, in which a philanthropist heiress agrees to marry a Jewish con artist to get...

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Five Things with Shana Galen

Bestselling author Shana Galen is visiting the blog today. She writes fast-paced, adventurous Regency romances, the newest release being The Viscount of Vice. Welcome, Shana! 1) Did you have a nickname growing up? My real name is Shane, so my family often called me...

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5 Things with Samantha Grace

Today we have bestselling Regency romance author Samantha Grace visiting. Her newest novel, One Rogue Too Many, first in a new series, just came out on January 7th. Welcome to the blog, Samantha! 1) Since romance authors always write about falling in love, when and...

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5 Things with Deb Marlowe

USA bestselling Regency Romance author Deb Marlowe is here today. Welcome to the blog, Deb, and thanks for answering these five questions... 1) Do you celebrate when you finish a book and what you do? I know this is going to sound weird, but the first thing I do when...

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Organization Before Writing Pays Big Dividends

Time spent organizing a project before you sit down to write is always time well spent. Here are some ideas to incorporate into your writing routine: 1) Organize the chapters of your novel into individual sections in a notebook and keep it on your desktop, so it is...

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