So who said the following? “A few minutes ago you couldn’t wait to leave and now you want to stay?” “That was before I killed a man,” she offered, coming up with the only excuse she could other than the truth. “You didn’t kill anyone. You only winged him.” “Are you...
Once Tempted
Who Said It: Challenge Accepted
You all know my books too well, so I'm digging in and hoping this one is a stumper. So Who Said It? “A few minutes ago you couldn’t wait to leave and now you want to stay?” “That was before I killed a man,” she offered, coming up with the only excuse she could other...
Another Round of Who Said It?
This one is probably pretty easy for you diehard fans, but I just love these lines. So, Who Said It? “You lied,” she said, going toe-to-toe with the man before her. “You told me he still loved me, wanted me.” She glanced over her shoulder and shuddered at the sight of...
Once Tempted
Countdown to 20 I had no intention of sitting down to write a series when I started ONCE TEMPTED. Yet, as stories often do, the characters blossomed before me and it was the beginning of my love affair with the Danvers family that continues today. ONCE TEMPTED opens...
TBT: One Night of Passion
This week I decided to look at what is usually counted as the first book in the Danver's series. It is actually the second book I wrote, but chronologically it is the first in the timeline. But to understand the inspiration for One Night of Passion, you have to go...
Have you ever wondered what goes on to inspire a story or what goes into writing a book? Well, watch my blog in the coming months for my THROWBACK THURSDAY series of stories about how my books came to life. I'm beginning with the first book I wrote in the Danvers...