News & Newsworthy

writing fiction

Workshop: Research

I recently gave workshops on Research for Writers, (at Women Writing the West and Surrey International Writers Conference) and rather than do printed handouts, I am posting all the information here so it is readily available and clickable. Library Love Librarians to...

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Workshop: The Character Arc

In my recent workshop, The Character Arc, for Women Writing the West and the Surrey International Writer's Conference, I referenced several books and a blog post/video that I would encourage everyone to check out. Books: Build Better Characters by Eileen Cook Writing...

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Are You Over Halfway? Or …50 yard and 3rd Down

If not, no worries. Believe me, the second half of a book is always quicker to write, especially with that shining light of "The End" glowing ever closer. And if you have absolutely no clue what I am talking about then you aren't neck deep in NaNoWriMo, or National...

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Romance Retellings

The theme for the #Romancestagram hashtag over on Instagram this month is "Romance Retellings." I have to say, this is one of my favorite themes so far, both as a reader and a writer. Every month as the themes are announced, I scan to see if I have any books or...

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3 Writing Tips to Crush NaNoWriMo

Are you ready to be off and writing? NaNoWriMo — National Novel Writing Month — which challenges a writer to draft a book in a month — begins next week and so before you begin furiously writing your story, I have three tips to ensure your story keeps moving forward...

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Your Best Writer’s Conference

Why are you going to a conference? If the first thought that pops into your head is "to sell my book" then you are going for the wrong reason. At least IMHO. I think I'm the only person I know who has ever sold a book at conference. Oh, and Gerri Russell with the...

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