Tuesday Lunch Break – Along Came a Duke

May 17, 2016 | Giveaways, Freebies, & Contests, Rhymes with Love, Elizabeth's Books

I have a confession to make: I am a lunch time reader. I think I like lunch more for the chance to read than the eating part. LOL!

IMG_0510So for the next ten weeks, I’ll be featuring an excerpt from one of my books—the perfect sort of lunch break sampling. And when you are done reading (and having lunch!), come back here to leave a comment and you’ll be entered in a drawing for a new lunch bag stuffed with books and goodies.

Make sure to come back every Tuesday for a new excerpt and a new contest.

This week’s featured excerpt: Along Came a Duke. If you haven’t read Tabby and Preston’s story, here’s your chance to kick back, have some lunch and read the Excerpt. Then make sure to come back and comment so you are entered for the contest.

To enter, simply comment below—about anything: what you are currently reading, what you had for lunch, which book you’d like to see featured on Tuesday Lunch Break. That’s it, you’re entered.

Winner will be announced next Tuesday (May 24th) right here on the Blog.


  1. Karen H

    I read Along Came a Duke in December ’15 and loved it. But, of course, I love everything you write, so what else is new? I’m reading a new-to-me author right now by the name of Megan Frampton. The first book I read was titled The Duke’s Guide to Correct Behavior and it is part of her Dukes Behaving Badly series that published mostly in 2015. I can’t say that I’m 100% in love with the book or the series or the author’s style of writing. I’m willing to give her several chances before I throw in the towel on this one.

  2. Ginny Walker

    I, too, am a lunchtime reader and always look forward to that time to “get away” from everything.

  3. Connie Fischer

    As I’m retired, I would like to say that I can choose to read all day if I wish, however, that is not the case. Unfortunately, housework, shopping, and other chores always need to be done. Therefore, it is just after lunch before I can finally grab an hour or two to read. That’s the best part of the day.

  4. Elizabeth Wright

    I loved this book. It was so nice to go back and revisit it. 🙂

  5. Patti Long Wissore

    Just put this book in my TBR list. I’m more of an evening reader, after everyone’s in bed and the whole house is quiet. Of course I get into trouble when I put the book down at 3am and have to get up to get kids ready for school at 6am, but that’s what naps are for!!

  6. Marianna

    I forgot how much I like this book! have to pull it from my shelves for another read!!

  7. Jennifer R

    I will read just about anything, any time! Reading Poldark now. Thanks for the treat – I don’t think I ever read this one (gasp!)

  8. Linda Henderson

    I haven’t read this book yet but I would love to. I’m about to finish reading The Taming Of The Bachelor by Jane Porter and I’m really enjoying it.

  9. Mary Riley

    Bring a book to work every day to read at lunch.

  10. Denise

    I need to figure out what I’m having for lunch–it’s already 1pm.

  11. Dottie Swingle

    I answered by hitting reply. Sorry. Just wrote about when I was young, MANY years ago & I was in grade school. I came home for lunch & got reading & lost all track of time. Sometimes I didn’t go back to school because I was too late.

  12. Rebekah E.

    I am also a lunch time reader. I am also a bath time, bed time, down time, really any possible time reader.

  13. Melissa

    Now I just have to read this book. Thanks for sharing @

  14. Kay

    Boy oh Boy(le)!
    Ok you got to me just added all 5 in the series to my wish list on audible.

  15. Elizabeth Schroedle

    I’m about to take my lunch hour. I have a sandwich everyday for lunch. Roast beef, turkey, lettuce or spinach, and tomato on 7 grain bread with ranch dressing instead of mayo. Very delicious.

  16. Victoria

    Loved that one! Fun to read the opening again.

  17. florine Kreeb

    I had chinese today while reading Murder in Morning Heights

  18. Lois M.

    Oh, I’m not reading anything yet – the semester just finished (which did not allow for any outside reading since winter break), but I’ve been catching up on other things first, like cleaning, organizing, stuff like that. But I’m getting there! 😀

  19. Kathy Nye

    What a great idea. I liked revisiting this story today. Off to find my copy and read some more.

  20. Linda Stults

    This book sounds great. I’m a lunch break reader myself. Would go to my car so I could read with out someone wanting to talk to me.

  21. Kristina Alexander

    Elizabeth, you have a way with a story and building your characters that I have always loved. Keep on writinng!!!

  22. Linda Hurst

    Love the series.

  23. Jennifer bernard

    The hubby and I had a lunch date, no reading for me 😉 I had a yummy Asian shrimp salad….I’m smiling just thinking about it!

  24. bn100

    chicken sandwich

  25. Ada

    Thanks for sharing, can’t believe I haven’t read this one yet but I’m really looking forward to it. I’m finally starting Tessa Dare’s Spindle Cove series, it’s been one I’ve wanted to read for a while so I’m super excited. Thanks for the giveaway!

  26. Maryellen Webber

    I loved Along Came A Duke, thanks for writing such wonderful books!!!!

  27. jennifer drake

    looks like a great read! 😀 Thanks for the chance to win <3

  28. jj durant

    yay its almost summer 🙂 a great time to sit in the park and read

  29. Mallorie

    I am completely hooked by this story already! What a wonderful idea to do this 🙂 I love reading during my lunch break as well and I’m always sad when it comes to an end…

  30. Annette Naish

    This does look like a terrific story. Just what I would expect from you. I finished Only Beloved at lunch yesterday.

  31. LEANN

    I have several of your books…Haven’t gotten to this one but I will..( I like to read each series in order 🙂 )..I have a Kindle e- reader I load up books and read anywhere including the doctor’s office

  32. Anita H.

    I love to catch up on some reading during lunchtime, wish it could turn into a lunch afternoon! LOL. Right now I’m really loving reading Julie James’ About That Night.

  33. Charlotte Litton

    I don’t have a specific time for lunch, but I’m an all day reader. You are one of my favorite authors, thanks for the chance ❤



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