As of this post, you will find the ebook of Brazen Angel free. Everywhere. Took some doing, but given that this is Brazen Angel‘s 20th anniversary, I thought it would be fun to give back some love.

After all this book, and all of you, started all of this.

Brazen Angel Cover ArtThe cool part of Brazen Angel has as much to do about the back story of how it was published, as it does the adventures of Sophia and Giles. But seriously, have your read, My Favorite Hero? If not, go ahead and click on it. Read the story and then come back. I’ll wait. . . . Are you crying? I can’t read that without getting all teary eyed.

And yes, he’s still a hero. Most days. LOL.

So if you’ve loved Brazen Angel, tell a friend that it’s free. If you haven’t read it, now’s your chance. And tell a friend while you are at it. Tell all your Facebook pals, throw it on your shelf at Goodreads and Tweet your hearts out—if you are inclined to those things.

And in the meantime, Brazen Angel will remain free. Free to be downloaded and read. Free to be enjoyed. That’s worth sharing.

Get your copy at:


  1. Annette Naish

    WOW, OK, I want to say thank you for sharing your story of your Favorite Hero. I know you realize how blessed you are to have found a true Hero.

    I am so glad for you both.

  2. Carol Luciano

    Wow, as I wipe the tears from my face I’m thinking “what a beautiful soul her Hero has “. His love and support for you gave you that most precious of gifts. He made your dream come true. I’ve definitely got to read Brazen Angel. :). Thank you for sharing that with us.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) AOL (dot) com



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