I know that everyone has challenges right now, and when a friend asked me to send a card to her dad who had just gotten out the hospital (her dad LOVES getting mail) I wondered if anyone else would love a surprise in the mail.
So I asked on Twitter and FB what you thought. And you overwhelming told me a huge and unqualified, YES. Okey dokey. So I got out every coverflat I had tucked away in a closet.
Coverflats from 24 books. (Here is just a sampling.) I got out bookmarks and postcards. Then I asked some friends to send along some—because that adds a bit of surprise, don’t you think? And then I put them all together in packets and ended up with a little over 100 of them.
And now it is your turn. Go here and sign up for the drawing (before April 5th) and then after that start watching your mail for a blast from my past.
In the meantime, a big hug to all of you, my very dear readers. Stay healthy and safe. Please.