It’s Friday. No preamble. Let’s just get one with it.


Are you writing along with me? As we move into Week 3 of journaling the Season, the word this week is Light. I think this is the word for the entire season. Nothing is more valuable right now than light. It brightens the darkness inside and out. What brings light into your heart and home right now?


While these Christmas cookies aren’t some old family recipe, these Chocolate Crinkles are ones that I love and were always found on the infamous family cookie tree. I can’t find Grandma’s recipe, but this one tastes just like hers.


After I finished All The Ways We Said Goodbye by the dynamite trio of Beatriz Williams, Lauren Willig, and Karen White, and recommended it to you all here, I discovered I had somehow missed The Glass Ocean, which is a forerunner to All the Ways…

So, start with The Glass Ocean and then move on to All the Ways. I’ll get these recommendations in order one of these days. Really anything by these amazing and gifted writers is worth a read and The Glass Ocean is no exception. Smart. Great characters and a wonderfully woven story. A settle in, grab a cuppa and just read treat.


Many, many years ago, I discovered Almond Kringle. And I once I made it, I couldn’t stop making it at the holidays. I make piles of these to give as gifts to friends and family. About July I start getting requests. From friends, family, the household.

You won’t think it will be much while you are making it, but once it finishes baking and it’s frosted and sliced, then you get it. Awww. This is good. Really good.

A perfect thank you for anyone who’s helped you lately, or someone who needs a reminder that they are loved.


Took a walk in a different neighborhood this past week, and all around were little funny memes stapled to the telephone poles. Since you all loved the pumpkin hatted cats from a few weeks ago, when I spotted this one, I had to share. Made me laugh.

Bonus realization: Take a walk in a new neighborhood.




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