News & Newsworthy

Adventures & Travel

I'm on Romance Novel TV!

When I was at the New Jersey conference in October, I was invited to sit down with Sophia Nash and be interviewed for Romance Novel TV. How fun is that! I'd been dying to do one of those interviews, but after they asked me and I enthusiastically said yes, then came...

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Seattle 0, Mother Nature 2

So for the second December in a row, Seattle got slammed with a storm that reminded all of us out here that while we might not get snow, or tornadoes, or hurricanes, Mother Nature doesn't leave us out. Here are some photos from my poor neighborhood, which is slide...

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Anarchy Thanksgiving

Okay, I lied. I wasn't planning a traditional, family laden Thanksgiving. All the while I was feeding you all recipes and encouraging a Martha Stewart marathon, I was packing my bags and cookware and getting the heck out of Dodge. And quite frankly, I don't feel...

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Getting Going With A Little Help From My Friends

Gads. I've been terrible about getting something together about the weekend—perhaps its because I'm still trying to get caught up after a whirlwind month of social engagements. My husband was a tad grumpy the other day and I asked him what had his boxers in a knot...

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Wow—NJ! I'm impressed

I've been to quite a few conferences in my time and this past weekend at the NJ Romance Writers Put Your Heart in a Book conference, I was really, really impressed. This is a great conference. And I don't say that lightly. This is a great conference. It would be worth...

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I love NYC

Let me just get that up front and center. I LOVE NYC. I always have. I find it enormously fascinating, always interesting, and surprising on every corner. So when I got the chance to speak at the New Jersey Romance Writers Put Your Heart in a Book Conference, I was...

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