News & Newsworthy

Around the Web

Meet Laura Lee Guhrke

So Laura (or LLG as she is to be known) is up to her eyeballs in a deadline, but I wanted to do an interview with her since she has a great new book out, Secret Desires of a Gentleman.  So instead of bugging her and risking a scud attack from Boise, I decided to just...

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Is it Tuesday, Already?

Okay, I'm a little out of it.  The quick trip to Portland, combined with coming down with a fierce head cold Friday night after the signing and not sleeping at all (is there anything worse than having a great hotel room and not being able to enjoy a peaceful night's...

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Meet Michael Spradlin, YA Wonder

As a mom of boys, I deplore the lack of good fiction written for boys.  My son loves to read, but the bulk of fiction out there is aimed square at girls and like most boys he has his own ideas about what makes a good book.  So when I found out my good friend, Michael...

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An Awarding Week

Last week was sort of a surprise.  I received two awards in one week.  It's not every week that you snag even a single award, but two in one week?  Well, that is cause to celebrate.  We went out to Canlis and had a wonderful meal on Friday night.  Well, the Canlis...

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Meet Delilah Marvelle – The New "Mistress of Pleasure"

So this week brings the arrival of a debut author, Delilah Marvelle and her wonderful new book, Mistress of Pleasure. I asked Delilah to drop by and meet all of you, so without any further ado: 1) Delilah, how exciting to see your first book Mistress of Pleasure...

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Six Questions

Maya Rodale asked me her infamous "Six Questions I Always Ask." See how I fared on her blog. BTW, what would be your six questions?

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