News & Newsworthy

Elizabeth’s Favorites

Five Things for Friday

Once again it is Friday—funny how that happens every week—and I am back with Five Things. Just five. Nothing unmanageable, and hopefully something that brightens your day, weekend, week. At least until next Friday. *snort* One Bloom. Let's just get straight to the...

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Five Things for Friday

Thank you for all your notes, suggestions and glad tidings. I'm glad my suggestions from last week helped out or led you to something new. So here we go again, Five Things for Friday that you might enjoy, binge or share. Because who doesn't love something shiny and...

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Recent Reads

I've been—for a bit—on a Fantasy reading binge. But oh, there are some great stories out there that I would be remiss in not sharing. They have everything we all love about romance, but also that wonderful reach into another world and acres of adventure. So I offer up...

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Workshop: The Character Arc

In my recent workshop, The Character Arc, for Women Writing the West and the Surrey International Writer's Conference, I referenced several books and a blog post/video that I would encourage everyone to check out. Books: Build Better Characters by Eileen Cook Writing...

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Release Day Read: The Huntress

I got the privilege of reading an advanced copy of Kate Quinn's exquisite new historical fiction, The Huntress. You might recall, I raved about her previous book, The Alice Network in a December post about incredible books to give as gifts. Now I get to rave about The...

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Romance Retellings

The theme for the #Romancestagram hashtag over on Instagram this month is "Romance Retellings." I have to say, this is one of my favorite themes so far, both as a reader and a writer. Every month as the themes are announced, I scan to see if I have any books or...

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