News & Newsworthy

Five Things for Friday

Tomorrow (Saturday, Jan 29th) I will be taking over on Instagram for Romanced By the Book. Megan and Marielle are a dynamic duo of romance loving readers who post about books and authors and sponsor read alongs—most recently diving deep into And the Miss Ran Away with...

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Five Things for Friday

So to all of you who have checked in on me of late, Thank You! And hugs to Joan G. and Diane M. who wrote me in the last two weeks to nudge me into bringing the Five Things newsletter back to life. So cheers to the pair of them! What have I been up to? Facing my...

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Five Things for Friday

Well, clearly you all missed me and I was warmed and awestruck at all the nice emails I got about my return. So I certainly couldn't miss this week. Especially not with this list on hand. So here are this week's Five Things: One When you are reading a great Regency,...

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Five Things for Friday

Yes, I am okay. To all of you who have sent me emails and DMs asking what's happened, where have I gone, well.... I'm great and I've been living in a tent. By choice. So . . . about mid-July we packed up about 75% of our house and put it into storage and started...

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Five Things for Friday

I'm just going to get right to it. There's a lot of great things this week. One Oh. My. Goodness. I don’t know if you subscribe to A.Word.A.Day by but if you do, the usage citation was probably familiar… yes, that was Confessions of a Little Black Gown...

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Five Things For Friday

So I should probably warn you, this week's list might break your TBR. There you are warned. On the good side there is no violence, bad language, or strobe lights in the paragraphs ahead. Just books, some ideas to make your life easier, an awesome salad and a GIVEAWAY....

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