News & Newsworthy

I Don't Make This Up

Some one asked me how I pick the winners for my blog contest and actually, I don't. I use to pick the winner—that is, after I add up the number of blog comments and tweets. Then the Random Number Generator does the honors, and a number pops up. Then,...

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Five Things about Sarah MacLean

Hello and welcome to Sarah MacLean! She's one of these funny, bright, outrageous women that I love to meet and had to share with all of you. I think you will agree! So here are Five Things about Sarah MacLean: 1. Where is the most beautiful/romantic place you’ve ever...

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Hero Worthy

My husband asked me last week what I liked best about having my Brazen books back out. And the answer was immediate and easy: Because it gives me the chance to tell the story how my first book came to be published. It actually gives me a chance to tell the world what...

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Five Things About Katharine Ashe

I personally find Katharine Ashe a kick to hang out with. She's funny, wicked and smart, as well as an unapologetic lover of the genre. Those all count highly in my book. So I would like you to take a moment and enjoy the wit of Katharine Ashe, or as we now call her...

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The Inside Joke

I have a confession to make. I put inside jokes in all my books. I can't help myself. They amuse me. I am writing along and I put them in and then I spend a few minutes doing the "Do I? or Don't I?" back and forth. And they usually always end up in the final book. I...

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Five Things About Maya Rodale

I've known Maya for many years—have loved her books since her first one—and finally got a chance to meet her in person last summer. It was, no surprise, a delight. And now I want to share her with you and make sure you are reading her books. So with no...

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