News & Newsworthy

Whirlwind Trip

Whipped down to Los Angeles last week for a whirlwind Reader's Tea at the Huntington Beach Library. No one ever has to prod me very hard to fly down to Southern California—I really love it down there. Blue skies, palm trees, blue skies. Mostly the sunshine makes...

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No Two Authors

As it turns out, just as no two authors write the same books, nor do any of us work the same. Put four authors in a condo for a weekend and you will observe four very different methods of composing a novel. Let's take a look. There are generally two kinds of writers:...

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Five Things about Carla Swafford

Always fun to meet new authors, especially brand new authors. And Carla Swafford comes to publishing via the Avon Impulse line, which is a digital imprint that was launched last year. So I thought it would be fun to invite Carla over and let her meet all of you. 1....

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I Blame the Snow Day

So nothing got done around here. Because it snowed. Truly, life comes to a grinding halt in Seattle when it snows. And that is my excuse and I am sticking to it. I did though get a bunch of stuff done over the weekend, including cleaning out my office closet, wherein...

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The 21 Best Books on Writing

If you are like me, you are always seeking out the books and teachers who inspire and motivate writers and non-writers alike. To that end, I polled a bunch of friends, tweeps, and writers from all over and asked them: What writing books do you love? What has done the...

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Five Things about Cecilia Grant

I always love meeting debut authors. They have that starry-eyed glow about them. And of course, it gives us all a chance to discover a new favorite author. So let's start the New Year off right with debut author, Cecilia Grant and Five Things: 1. Where is the most...

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