News & Newsworthy


Are You Over Halfway? Or …50 yard and 3rd Down

If not, no worries. Believe me, the second half of a book is always quicker to write, especially with that shining light of "The End" glowing ever closer. And if you have absolutely no clue what I am talking about then you aren't neck deep in NaNoWriMo, or National...

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3 Writing Tips to Crush NaNoWriMo

Are you ready to be off and writing? NaNoWriMo — National Novel Writing Month — which challenges a writer to draft a book in a month — begins next week and so before you begin furiously writing your story, I have three tips to ensure your story keeps moving forward...

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8 Ways to Maximize Your Writing Time

If you are like me, your writing time is both precious and never long enough. So here are some of my methods to make sure you are getting the most pages out of your limited time. 1) Stop reading email, Tweets, Facebook, Instagram, et al. Okay, maybe that's a little...

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Quick Tips for Creating a Brazen Heroine

As you are working towards getting your story idea fleshed out, you will want to get your heroine ready for some Brazen action. Here is a quick checklist for creating the Brazen heroine. Sit down with a notebook or your character sheet and consider the following: 1)...

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