As you are working towards getting your story idea fleshed out, you will want to get your heroine ready for some Brazen action. Here is a quick checklist for creating the Brazen heroine. Sit down with a notebook or your character sheet and consider the following:
1) Write down your definition of Brazen
2) Look for examples from real life or history
- Determine society’s boundaries
- Research how other women broke those rules
3) Create your Heroine by giving her:
- An insurmountable goal or roadblocks
- Compelling motivation
- Skills and/or help
- Experience to help her deal with the world she’s about to be thrown into
4) Cast your Hero and make him:
- The heroine’s equal
- Intelligent
- With the strength of will
And if you’ve made your heroine Brazen enough, God help your poor hero. LOL.