5 Things About Mia Marlowe

Nov 4, 2014 | This & That, Adventures & Travel, Around the Web, Friends, Writing, What's New

Let’s give a big welcome to the lovely and talented, Mia Marlowe — who was willing to spill 5 Things your might not know about her.

MMReg1) Did you have a nickname growing up?
When I was in middle school, my friends called me “Granny.” I hope it because of my glasses! But I think it may have been because I’m the sort who likes to take care of people and make sure they’re okay. I love my family, but also like the idea that friends are the family you choose for yourself.

2) How do you pick the names of your Heroes/Heroines?
Since I write historicals, I’m always looking for interesting period names. This may seem a little morbid, but old cemeteries are great sources for names. When I lived in Boston, I always took a notepad with me when we walked the Freedom Trail. I found Waitstill Trott, a terrific name for a housekeeper, in the same cemetery where Paul Revere rests.

Sometimes I ask for suggestions from my Facebook friends. One of them offered up Greydon Quinn, the name I used for my hero in Touch of a Thief!

3) Since romance authors always write about falling in love, when and how did you discover you were in love?
I met my DH in college when we were both in the choir. Sometimes the director would have us stand in a circle around the room instead of sitting in rows, and my future husband and I found ourselves singing to each other across the room.

But there was a problem. I already had a steady guy. My DH however, was not deterred. He called to ask if I’d like a ride to some of our extra choir practices. Then he started asking me to other things. Of course, I declined because I was not that kind of girl! He didn’t give up.

After several months of that, the semester was ending and my future DH was planning on taking a year off school to travel. He’d become important to me even without going out and I just knew I’d never see him again if I didn’t do something. So, I broke it off with Mr. Not-Right and, against all my home training, I called the future love of my life and I asked him out.

4) What’s your strongest/most productive writing habit?
I’m very goal-oriented. A deadline motivates me. So with each book, I plan out my writing, so many words per day, so many per week, etc. I write pretty much 8-5 during the week and use weekends to play catch up if I need to. Sticking with a schedule keeps me from panic because I know, barring something totally unforeseen, the story is where it needs to be at every step along the way.

MMOnce5) Where is the strangest place a story idea came to you from?
The kernel of my newest release, Once Upon a Plaid, came from something that happened to my sister. She decided to become a gestational surrogate for a childless couple. I’m ashamed to admit I tried to talk her out of it because I was concerned for her health. She’d already given birth to 4 kids of her own, but the in vitro procedure required so many hormone shots, it gave me pause.

Anyway, it made me wonder what a couple in 16th century Scotland might do when confronted with an empty cradle. There was no such thing as legal adoption then and the technical advances we enjoy would have seemed like witchcraft to them. So the story of William and Katherine grew in my mind—a couple who have to learn whether their circle of two is enough. Many tears fell on the keyboard for this one.

Oh! And after a high risk pregnancy and a very difficult birth, my sister placed healthy twins into a grateful couple’s arms. Is she heroine material or what?

 You can find Mia at her website, or on Facebook and Twitter.


  1. bn100

    Sebastian from the devil in Winter

    • Mia Marlowe

      Sebastian is a great hero!

  2. Neha Patel

    My favorite fictional rake is Mr. Cross from One Good Earl Deserves A Lover by Sarah MacLean because he fell for a bespectacled heroine.


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