5 Things with Katharine Ashe

Nov 25, 2014 | Friends, Good News, TV, Movies, & Good Reads, Writing, Around the Web

Katharine Ashe is the award winning author of adventurous, bestselling Regency romances from Avon! But her newest novella, in the anthology At the Billionaire’s Wedding, is a romp in contemporary romance. Here, she shares with us five things you probably didn’t know about her.

1) Did you have a nickname growing up? “Katie, Katie, the Paper Cup Lady”. One day in 1st grade I was innocently sitting cross-legged on my fuzzy blue Cookie Monster mat at snack time, when my teacher asked me to pass out the paper cups for juice. Someone called me that name, and it stuck, swiftly morphing into “Katie, Katie, the Big Fat Lady”, and so on. I’m proud to say that (after decades of therapy) I have finally gotten over this trauma. But if I could remember which nasty kid made up the name, I’d hunt him down and…

ATBW2) Do you celebrate when you finish a book and what you do? I drink champagne and dance in my living room to really loud music.

3) Where do you go for inspiration when the creativity well is running a little dry? The romantic core of my creative imagination never runs dry; there are always couples in my imagination eager for me to tell their love stories. But when I’m pondering plot ideas, I go to history books. History is so rich and complex and astonishingly unreal. I’ve found my best — and often my most outrageous — plots in the pages of history books.

4) What is the very first romance novel that you read? Once More, Miranda by Jennifer Wilde (who was a man). Full of action and delicious sensuality, with a strong heroine and excellent hero, I fell in love with it. I remember little of it now, but thirty years ago it changed my life.

5) What are your top three favorite movies? Moonstruck, The Cutting Edge, and The Hunt for Red October. Romance, comedy, strong heroines, alpha heroes, fabulous acting, perfect settings, action, conflict, noble deeds, and heart-swelling happily ever afters. And, of course, they’re infinitely quotable.

Ronnie: “I’m a wolf? You run to the wolf in me, that don’t make you no lamb.”

Kate: “Toe pick!”

Ramius: “‘And the sea will grant each man new hope, as sleep doth dream of home.” Christopher Columbus.”

Ryan: “Welcome to the New World, sir.”
[cue the swelling Russian choir music]

Thanks for having me visit, Elizabeth!!

You can find Katharine on Facebook, Twitter, and her website.

1 Comment

  1. Connie Fischer

    What a cute nickname….that is until the little stinkers made it a bully thing. Grrr…I can’t help but think that they were jealous and wanted to be The Paper Cup Lady themselves.



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