Something About Emmaline

Jan 12, 2016 | Elizabeth's Books, Elizabeth's Favorites, The Bachelor Chronicles

Countdown to 20

#20thAvonRomance Countdown(5)Where do I start with SOMETHING ABOUT EMMALINE, my sixth Avon Romance? One of my favorite of favorites—if authors are allowed such things. I absolutely ADORE this story. But as much as I fell in love with Alex and Emmaline, it is the inspiration that is wild.

The spark for SOMETHING ABOUT EMMALINE came from, of all places, an exit sign on State Route 16 in Washington for the following: Sedgwick Rd, Tremont St, and Clifton Rd. Sedgwick, Clifton and Tremont. Those names just haunted me with heroic possibilities. I had to write their stories, and thus began my long-running series, The Bachelor Chronicles.

With my hero, Alexander Denford, Baron Sedgwick, in place, I then set out to light a fire under his carefully constructed lies as to having a wife—poor, sickly Emmaline who lived in the country and thus never came to London. Yes, yes, it has a bit of THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST, to the plot, but I did it a bit differently by bringing my hero to heel by plopping a living and breathing Emmaline into his well-ordered London life.

Something About Emmaline Cover ArtThis is a story of a con gone very wrong and how two people who are entirely wrong for each other fall head over heels in love. I must admit, this book wrote itself—I just delighted in telling Emmaline’s story.

So in the odd way of inspiration, my spark from an exit sign turned out to be one of my heartfelt favorites. This is also one of the few books I cried over while writing. The scene where Malvina gives birth and Emmaline has to dig deep to help her friend, cut me to the heart. Also, take a good look at the cover—there is something very wrong with this scene.

Order links for SOMETHING ABOUT EMMALINE can be found here. Or just take a quick peek inside at the Excerpt.

Don’t miss my posts for my 4rd (Stealing the Bride) and 5th (It Takes a Hero) Avon romances.



  1. This Rake of Mine | Avon Romance - […] THIS RAKE OF MINE and my next hero, Mad Jack Tremont. (Yet another exit sign hero–read about that here)…



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