News & Newsworthy

Around the Web

Tagged: Honest Scrap

My good friend, Melissa McClone, asked me if I minded if she could tag me. She's one of my long distant friends that I never see enough of, but when we do get to see each other, I find that it doesn't matter how much time has passed, we are already caught up. Does...

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The New Series

Here is the problem:  I come up with an idea for a new series, propose it, Avon loves it, and I start writing. Of course, the last book in the previous series is well into production, somewhere off doing what books do once they leave the safety of the author's nest....

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Haven't Any Words to Spare

Down to the wire putting the finishing touches on a book, but I knew that a number of you (and thank you for your emails) were worried that I'd dropped out of sight again. So no worries, I am good. The fatigue is getting less and less, and I am working every hour I...

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On The Radio…Drop by and Listen

I've had to cancel and reschedule so many things of late and one of them was the radio interview on Romance Radio with Avon. But I am happy to say that is has been rescheduled for tomorrow, Thursday, May 14 at 2:00 pm eastern. I'll be chatting about Confessions and...

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The Slow Return

Wow! One, I can't believe all the nice things you've all said, your kind thoughts, the prayers, because I've felt the love, most certainly. Nice to know there are so many people out there who care, especially for someone you've never met. So thank you. I wish I could...

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Round 2: Events v. Deadline

I've got way too much going on right now. A deadline in two weeks. Memoirs of a Scandalous Red Dress coming out next week. Everyone still excited and writing about Confessions of a Little Black Gown. And, if all that isn't enough, another round of events. Just call me...

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