News & Newsworthy

Favorite Books

Friday Reads: Historical Mysteries

I love mysteries. But I am particular. Like most of what I like to read I want my mysteries historical. Like that surprises anyone. My favorite historical mystery authors include CJ Sansom, Laura Joh Rowland's Sano Ichiro series, and now . . . an entirely new crop of...

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Friday Reads: Fantasy

I have this not so secret love affair with Fantasy novels. Of course this is no surprise if you know that the first book I ever set out to write was a medieval. I love a good quest. A battle for the soul of a land. Right and wrong. And so with the passing of Ursula K....

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Brazen Angel is Free

As of this post, you will find the ebook of Brazen Angel free. Everywhere. Took some doing, but given that this is Brazen Angel's 20th anniversary, I thought it would be fun to give back some love. After all this book, and all of you, started all of this. The cool...

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Who Said It Answered

So who said the following? “A few minutes ago you couldn’t wait to leave and now you want to stay?” “That was before I killed a man,” she offered, coming up with the only excuse she could other than the truth. “You didn’t kill anyone. You only winged him.” “Are you...

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Who Said It? Ups the Game

You all have had it way too easy. Time to up the Who Said It? game. “…and now that he is inclined to marry—“ “I don’t think the earl has any intention of—" “Of course he intends to marry. He made his bow at Almack’s.” Which of course every matron in London knew was...

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Did You Guess Who Said It?

So who said the following: “You lied,” she said, going toe-to-toe with the man before her. “You told me he still loved me, wanted me.” She glanced over her shoulder and shuddered at the sight of him. “What he wants is a good bath and his ration of rum tossed...

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