5 Things with Erin Knightley

Dec 2, 2014 | Around the Web, TV, Movies, & Good Reads, Writing

USA Today bestselling author of smart, sassy Regency romances, Erin Knightley, is joining us on the blog today. She’s here to reveal five things we probably don’t know about her…

1) Did you have a nickname growing up? Believe it or not, my brother used to always call me Bushy-haired Cavewoman. Charming, no? LOL – it wasn’t until high school that I discovered hair product. Hilariously enough, when my sister was tracing our ancestry, we discovered that we are descendants of Captain John Stuart, whose Cherokee name was Bushyhead. Seriously!

Earl I Adore Cover2) How do you pick the names of your Heroes/Heroines? Last time, it was by committee! Sometimes I go to Facebook and ask my readers for help, other times a name just immediately comes to me, and still other times I rake through the old census data from the 1800s to find the perfect fit.

3) Since romance authors always write about falling in love, when and how did you discover you were in love? My husband and I met when we were sixteen! As high school sweethearts, all my romantic memories are with him, which I love. Although he wasn’t my first kiss, I was his! I’ll never forget sitting in the car in my parent’s driveway during a summer storm, the air warm and humid as Sweet Home Alabama played on the radio in the background. That was the day we both said “I love you!” for the first time. 🙂

4) What are your top three favorite movies? Love Actually (swoon!), Like Water For Chocolate (even with the subtitles), and Apollo 13.

5) What is the most embarrassing song/app on your ipod? I’m the only person I know who doesn’t listen to music! I have a whopping 10 songs on my iPhone – all of which were composed by my brother, Andy McLeroy. Oh! And The Black Eyed Peas “I Gotta Feelin'” which I used to create the world’s most embarrassing video for the day my first novel debuted. 😉

You can find Erin on her website, Facebook page, or on Twitter!


  1. Quinn Fforde

    I love these! Your husband story is so sweet!

  2. E. R.

    I’m in the midst of reading one if your book, Ms. Knightley! Lord Raleigh is a rogue; Jane is a brave lass. 😉 So nice to have you here!

    • Erin Knightley

      Thank you, E.R.! Truth be told, that’s probably my favorite of my books 🙂



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