Stealing the Bride

Jan 10, 2016 | Elizabeth's Books, The Danvers

#20thAvonRomance Countdown(3)

Countdown to 20

I failed to mention in my last post, (about my 3rd Avon Romance, One Night of Passion) that one of my favorite heroes of all time came to life while writing Colin and Georgie’s story. And if you’ve read these books you know I am talking about Temple. Or as he is formally known, the Marquis of Templeton.

I’ll never forget that moment. I had written the scene with Colin Danvers being tossed out on his ear by his betrothed, Lady Diana (who has just called off their wedding) and Colin is joined by his cousin, Temple. This rakish, knavish, droll Corinthian stepped off the page and directly into my heart. I literally sat back, sucked in a deep breath and went, “OMG, he’s perfect.” Even authors fall in love. And with Temple, I fell hard.

Stealing the BrideAnd then as Colin glances over his shoulder for one last look at his former betrothed, he realizes she never loved him, rather she is passionately in love with Temple.

Diana loves Temple?

Oh, that was a tangle—the sort I love mulling over and coming up with some wild plot to make them both mad—at each other and for each other.

Thus was born, STEALING THE BRIDE. And I’ve never been able to let Temple go. He’s appeared in so many of my books, I’ve lost track.

Find out how the Marquis of Templeton fits into the Danvers’ Family Tree. Take a sneak peak and read the Excerpt or order your own Templeton, ur, I mean, your own copy of STEALING THE BRIDE.

Don’t miss my posts for my 2nd (Once Tempted) and 3rd (One Night of Passion) Avon romances.




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