News & Newsworthy

Around the Web

House Elves, Good & Evil

I've been thinking a lot about house elves of late. Mostly because my new shoes, the ones that were so much trouble to find and order and that I love so much keep disappearing. I can find one shoe, but not the other. And then the next day, the other one magically...

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Five Things about Stefanie Sloane

Meet debut author, Stefanie Sloane, who won't be a debut author for very long since she has three books coming out in the next three months. Yes, you heard me correctly three wonderful Regency historical romances, one after another. And you get to meet her first!...

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Twinkle, Twinkle, I'm on Twitter

I've been twittered. Or at least I've dipped my toe in and have given it a try. I feel so . . . connected and a little baffled and a lot overwhelmed by the feeds. Who to follow? What are the rules? What are the social niceties that one must follow so that one does not...

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Interview Alert

Since I didn't get a chance to schedule the link up on my Events page (the interview was supposed to go up in June), I thought I would share with you an interview I did with Sally Watts of the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library system. She was so kind to ask me to...

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Packing Up, Moving Out

The closer a book comes to being released, the more I feel my life speeding up. I start writing faster, I panic faster, I get out of the house more. Which is probably a good thing—because then I can get a chance to see all of you. And in that, let's get outta...

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They are a coming. In the next few months my website will be getting some upgrades and new features. Not giving away anything just yet, but just wanted to make sure you had a bit of a heads up. It's been sort of exciting to go through my current site and look at it...

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