News & Newsworthy

Around the Web

Hey, Jason

One of the occupational hazards of being a romance author is email from men you don't know. And not the usual strangers pushing prescription drugs and things to make my root grow like wood, but men who want to send you pictures of themselves, specifically male models....

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Maya Rodale Drops By

My friend, Maya Rodale, drops by to talk about: Life in London There’s nothing like living in a place to really know it intimately, and thus to write about it authentically. Since actually visiting Regency London is out of the question, the next best thing is living...

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Number One London

I recently found an invitation in my inbox to come visit a new blog written by Kristine Hughes and Victoria Hinshaw, two of my favorite Regency and Victorian enthusiasts and researchers. Of course I dropped by immediately and found a delightful treasure trove of...

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Three Popular Questions

I think all writers have their own same three questions that come in daily. And I thought I would save everyone a lot of trouble and just answer them today in the blog. So in no particular order, here are the three questions that I get asked frequently: Question No....

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Meet Emma Wildes

EB: Emma, I was thrilled to get to read Lessons from a Scarlet Lady early, so please tell everyone about the book so I can gush some more: EW: Well, first of all...the main characters are married. I know, I know, usually the romance comes first with the wedding as the...

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Blogging Around

I've been a bit sparse here of late because I've been swamped with the holidays and trying to finish the next book, Mad About the Duke. But with the new book on the shelves—yes, how could you have missed the new book???—How I Met My Countess, I've made a...

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