A week to Christmas? Egads! I'd be really panicked if it was a usual year—big dinner to plan. Family arriving from around the country. And getting those last minute gifts done. But this year? Just trying to finish two knitting projects. That's it. We all have people...
Brazen Series
Summer Romance Bingo
I love the Ripped Bodice's annual Summer Romance Bingo! What a fun way to find new titles and authors and just, well, READ. But I also love adding to people's squares and TBRs, so might I suggest if you are looking for ways to fill the following squares, I've got you...
Recent Reads
I've been—for a bit—on a Fantasy reading binge. But oh, there are some great stories out there that I would be remiss in not sharing. They have everything we all love about romance, but also that wonderful reach into another world and acres of adventure. So I offer up...
April 1st
I always smile when I see this date. You see, April 1st has a different meaning for me—not the day of pranks and foolery, but the day I began my publishing career. Not the day I sold, but the day I turned in the manuscript of Brazen Angel for the Dell Diamond Debut...
Brazen Angel is Free
As of this post, you will find the ebook of Brazen Angel free. Everywhere. Took some doing, but given that this is Brazen Angel's 20th anniversary, I thought it would be fun to give back some love. After all this book, and all of you, started all of this. The cool...
Who Said It: Challenge Accepted
You all know my books too well, so I'm digging in and hoping this one is a stumper. So Who Said It? “A few minutes ago you couldn’t wait to leave and now you want to stay?” “That was before I killed a man,” she offered, coming up with the only excuse she could other...