News & Newsworthy


TBT: Love Letters from a Duke

People always say this is one of their favorites—with Felicity Langley being one of my most beloved heroines. Yet her story would not have been told without some help. So on this Throwback Thursday, let me introduce you to some of the books that helped me write Love...

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5 Things with Erin Knightley

USA Today bestselling author of smart, sassy Regency romances, Erin Knightley, is joining us on the blog today. She's here to reveal five things we probably don't know about her... 1) Did you have a nickname growing up? Believe it or not, my brother used to always...

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5 Things with Katharine Ashe

Katharine Ashe is the award winning author of adventurous, bestselling Regency romances from Avon! But her newest novella, in the anthology At the Billionaire's Wedding, is a romp in contemporary romance. Here, she shares with us five things you probably didn't know...

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TBT: Brazen Angel

I don't know how many people told me NOT to write Brazen Angel. An editor at a conference. More than one agent. Critic partners. Contest judges. Every single one of them said that any story set around the French Revolution wasn't romantic, would never sell. One of my...

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5 Things About Cynthia Sax

Cynthia Sax writes contemporary erotic romance for Avon Impulse, and came to the blog to share a few things about herself and her writing. Here are 5 things you might not know about Cynthia... 1) Where is the most beautiful/romantic place you’ve ever been? My favorite...

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8 Ways to Maximize Your Writing Time

If you are like me, your writing time is both precious and never long enough. So here are some of my methods to make sure you are getting the most pages out of your limited time. 1) Stop reading email, Tweets, Facebook, Instagram, et al. Okay, maybe that's a little...

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