News & Newsworthy

5 Things About Elizabeth

Avon Author Kay Thomas pinned me down and asked me to answer a few questions about writing for her. I, in turn, am forcing her to do the same. Here are my answers, and hers will run on Monday. KT: What’s the one thing you wish you had known before you started writing?...

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Eight Ways to Maximize Your Writing Time

If you are like me, your writing time is both precious and never long enough. So here are some of my methods to make sure you are getting the most pages out of your limited time. 1) Stop reading email, posting on Twitter and checking your Facebook account. Okay, maybe...

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NaNoWriMo Prep: Digging Deep into Your Characters

Let’s get to work on what I love most: creating characters. I love my characters. I love spending time with them, mulling over the problems facing them, how they are going to respond, but most importantly, how are they going to respond and why do they respond that...

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Quick Tips for Creating a Brazen Heroine

As you are working towards getting your story idea fleshed out, you will want to get your heroine ready for some Brazen action. Here is a quick checklist for creating the Brazen heroine. Sit down with a notebook or your character sheet and consider the following: 1)...

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Buns & Roses Recap

Had such a blast at the Buns & Roses Tea this past weekend in Dallas! Of course any weekend that involves Cathy Maxwell, Lorraine Heath, Candis Terry, Sophie Jordan, and Kerrilyn Sparks is going to be a hoot. Here are just so fun pics from the day, so enjoy!...

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Take a Sneak Peak inside a Rogue

Let's just get to the good stuff, shall we? I've posted the excerpt for Have You Any Rogues?! And apparently I do, Yes, Sir, Yes, Sir, Three Rogues will do. Tee Hee. As a little backstory, I got the idea for Have You Any Rogues? while I was writing And The Miss Ran...

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